Unamuno y la educación del pensar Una aproximación al pensamiento pedagógico unamuniano desde los presupuestos de Filosofía para Niños

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Juan Carlos Lago Bornstein


This paper is a brief study of the possible connections between Mi­guel de Unamuno's thought and Philosophy for Children, with emphasis on the educational aspects of bis thought. The objetive of this paper will be to show the importance of certain themes in the thouht of Unamuno regarding as much educational as philosophical. Such themes will inclu­de the development of a critical sense, the importance of critical and cre­ative thinking, the role of the teacher as "facilitator" or "provoker", the re­lation between language and thought, the social and dialogal foundation of reason and logic, etc. The treatmen of these themes will serve as a ba­se to demostrare that, given a conception of philosophy as activity, as a method for reflecting upon and seeking meaning in life, the thought of Unamuno and the Philosophy for Children are not a far as may seem.

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