Identidad personal y supervivencia post-mortem

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Enrique Romerales Espinosa


The problem of this paper is whether the hypothesis of post-mortem suivival is a coherent one. Thís crucially hinges upon what sort of thing our personal identity consists in. There are three main answers: psicholo­gical or causal-connection, non-reductionists, and materialist theories (li­ke those of Parfit, Swinburne, and Williams, respectively). There also are three possibilities for survival: immortality of the soul, reincarnation and resurrection of the body. Immortality is possible only according to the non-reductionist hypothesis. Reincarnation is impossible just according to the materialist one, though not very plausible on the psichological hy­pothesis. And resurrection is possible for all three hypothesis, although not equally probable for the three ones.

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