De la realidad biológica a la biologización de la realidad. La nueva metafísica biológica y el problema del conocimiento
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Biology, as a science, has evolved from the traditional Aristotelian framework, as natural history, to a real science of the living well into the nineteenth century. During this long scientific prehistory, a more or less hidden vitalism was gradually overcome by the mechanistic conception of the Universe until an almost total takeover with the discovery of the double helix in 1953. However, paradoxically, this physico-chemical mechanistic interpretation has given way to a biologism whereby 'the real', as we know it, would only show itself as a reflection of the adaptive-homeostatic structure of cognition as a definition of the human. Thus, ali human intellectual projections, be it either of a scientific persuasion or of a more properly metaphysical one, would have such an obvious Darwinian translation Oike if it were a 'universal acid', in the terms of Daniel Dennen) that even man's survival may depend on the conceptual inspection of anything cognitive not yet given a proper biological sense (solving, by the way, Wilfrid Sellars' dilemma when comparing biological man -beliefs, wishes, intentions- to his physico-chemical alter ego).